Wednesday 28 December 2011


Have you even wondered if everything happens for a reason? I am the type of person who always tries to get people to believe that but lately I don't know. It seems like all this stuff keeps happening and nothing good comes from it. I don't know... maybe it just needs time. It probably doesn't help that I have 2 weeks away from school in which I will totally over think every detail of my life...... I always do that. No matter how hard I try not to I always do. Then when I go back to school everything get more messed up than it already was. But I guess that's high school for you. So yesterday was really fun. I went over to my friends house and we played Rock Band and Trivial Pursuit (which we sucked at). But yeah it was really nice cause ever since she switched school we don't get to see each other as much. Oh and some of my friends are coming over on Friday which will be really fun! Today was okayish I guess, my sister was being mean as usual. Tomorrow I am planning on starting my essay but.... well we'll see how that goes. It was such a boring book. I only got through like 100 pages and I have to write an essay on the life lessons in the book. Like come one, like anyone actually cared enough to learn anything from that book. Friday my friends are coming over. I am really excited for Saturday though.  My family has this thing where on New Years Eve we order Chinese Food and watch movies all night. I am also going go shopping one day this week to get a new bag cause I actually have money for once.  I'm also planning my sweet 16 party (less than a month away!) it is going be a lot of fun but I have no idea who to invite cause I can only invite 9-10 people.But I'm sure no matter who I invite we will all have an amazing time. Well I have to go I'm going watch this movie about this girl who masks her depression smart alack response but her outlook changes after a disaster. It looked good so we'll see.

Night Guys!

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