Saturday 10 December 2011

Is the cold worth it?

Is the cold worth it? The answer. Yes. I am pretty sure that by the end of the winter season I am going to be sick cause everyday I take the bus home I end up spending more and more time outside. On Monday, when i got of the bus I stayed there and talked for 10ish minutes, on Wednesday 15ish minutes, and on Friday around 20minutes. (We wanted to stay longer but we were both freezing and had to walk home. So yeah, I think we either need to go to tims after school or I need to accept the fact that I am going to get sick.
Anyway, today is going be pretty fun. My mom, my sister,and I are going make Christmas cookies. Also, my whole family is going take a Christmas photo in front of our tree to send to our grandparents. After that, I am most likely going to decorate my room and stuff. I am just in such a happy mood. Have you ever just been in such a great mood that nothing in the world can change that? Yeah, that's me right now :)    I also have to start getting Christmas presents for people. I think I am going give them to less people than I originally thought because the other day Miss T was talking about true friends and friends that support each other and what not so it just made me think a lot about my friends and stuff. Anyway, since it is getting really close to Christmas time I thought I would tell you 5 of my favorite Christmas songs. I'm also going put links to videos of the songs if you want to listen to them. :) (note: I will put five in each post till Christmas)

Same Old Christmas- Hilary Duff -

Heard Santa on the Radio- Hilary Duff-

Santa Clause coming to Town- Hilary Duff -

Last Christmas-Hilary Duff:Santa Clause Lane-

Faith Hill Where Are You Christmas-

 Have A great day! 



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