Tuesday 6 December 2011

The Truth About Me

Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't written anything in a long time I've just been really busy with school and everything. So since I am very new to blogging I thought I would tell you all a little bit about me. So first of all I hate when people smoke. I know it is their choice and everything but if you smoke I will not want to be your friend. (I know it is harsh but still). I also hate abortions, underage drinking (actually just people getting drunk in general), people who say one thing then do another and then complain when someone does the EXACT same thing, getting bad grades and a bunch of other small things. Now, one thing or rather one person) I very strongly dislike is my sister. While I know many people think it is just because I am mad at her or just going through a hard time in my life where i hate everyone but no. My sister is the one person who embodies everything I hate. She lies constantly, she drinks (she is underage but not for much longer), she smokes, she sells smokes, she keyed someones car, she starved herself for over a year,  she always beats me up (like honestly she has held a knife to my throat multiple times), she (apparently) has had sex multiple times(that is what she told me), and worst of all she had an abortion.  So yeah, I try to hide the way I feel a lot by pretending to be happy but lately it has just been getting really hard which is why i wanted to write that on here. Just to get it all of my chest.

Now, on to the non-depressing stuff.
I love animals, my favorites are dogs and monkey's   
I want to do an exchange program for a year
I want to be either a doctor or a teacher
I want to travel the world
Most of my family is amazing
I really want to go back to Nova Scotia to see my grandparents
I actually like going to school (not the work just hanging out with people)
I think i would die without my ipod. I listen to music all the time and always find music that fits my mood
I  really love Christmas (19ish days!)
I love painting my nails but I never do lol
I love a lot of things though so I am going to stop here for now cause I don't want this to be long :)

Please don't judge me for posting the stuff about my sister. I just needed to get it of my chest. I know that a lot of you may say that either I don't know the whole story and everything but I do. She told me. And said that she does not feel bad about the abortion cause it was the "right thing to do"

Never let people bring you down, because if you do you are the only one who ends up disappointed.

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