Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year New Me :)

So I have decided that since this could possibly be the last year of the world (haha yeah right) I am going to become a much happier person. I know lately all of my posts have had a very negative tone in them but no more! I guess I realized over the last few days that there is no point in worrying about the stuff I do. If I want to be happy than I have to do something about it. I can't just sit on my butt and wait for something to happen. For example, if you want to go out with a guy just tell him. What do you have to lose? You have a 50/50 shot of him liking you back. However, with that said I have also realized that the guy I used to like well I think we are better off as friends.  I know age shouldn't matter (and its not really the age so much) but we just aren't really friends with the same people. And besides who would want to ruin something so great! (our friendship)So yeah, I'm going give up on trying to get him to know i like him (well used to like him). I also think that its better not to get involved in a relationship right now. I am already busy enough with school, rehearsal, homework and dance and I might be taking another dance class which would be another 2 hours a week so yeah I barley have enough time to hang out with my best friends yet alone a boyfriend. But yeah I sorry I have been so negative lately I don't know what was wrong with me.I think I felt like my world was crumbling around me when really aside from my friend moving I have nothing to be upset about.So yeah sorry it took me so long to realize that but I have now so no worries! I am on my way to becoming a much happier better person. Oh yeah, another thing I wanted to talk about was becoming a much better friend. I feel like lately I have kind of been shutting people (some more than others) and I think i've made it seem like my friends can't trust me so I am going work on that in the new year to. I think that once I realized that no one is perfect, that everyone makes mistakes, and that everyone has good times and bad I just wanted to make my life as great as possible in order to try to help others make their lives as great as possible. Which is also why I want to start volunteering at the children's hospital once I turn 16 (thats the age you have to be :) 27 days!) I mean those kids need something to do and if I could bring a smile to even one kids face that would mean that I can make a difference. And really what could be better than hanging out with a bunch of kids! It would be so much fun! I really believe that if you are a happy person than people around you will be to! Unfortunately, it goes the same way with negativity. If you are around someone who is happy, you will be happy. If you are around someone who is not well you won't be either. Which is another reason I am going be more positive. If I am just being negative all the time no one would want to be around me. However, with all of this being said I can't promise I will never be upset again. Although I am going try to be optimistic about everything somethings are just to big.Like when my friend moves. I will be sad. That is irrelevant.  I can't change that. What I can change though is my view of life as a whole. Instead of looking on the negative side of her leaving I have to look at what I can do to stay in touch with her. Like this blog, facebook, skype. Those are the things that will get as though all this. Anyway, its getting late and i have to do my essay.



  1. Taylor said...
    Robin !! I miss you ! The blog thing was being stupid and wouldnt let me comment on anything for a while. But yeah. <3 sounds like an awesome christmas and I hope your having a great time. Dont be upset, try not to over think . Things get better :) <33
    30 December 2011 00:32

    I posted that on an older post but i wanted to make sure you saw it! :) :)

  2. Miss you to! yeah Christmas was great and you're so right like once i stop thinking about everything everything got so much better! love you <3 see you when you get back!
