Wednesday 28 December 2011


Have you even wondered if everything happens for a reason? I am the type of person who always tries to get people to believe that but lately I don't know. It seems like all this stuff keeps happening and nothing good comes from it. I don't know... maybe it just needs time. It probably doesn't help that I have 2 weeks away from school in which I will totally over think every detail of my life...... I always do that. No matter how hard I try not to I always do. Then when I go back to school everything get more messed up than it already was. But I guess that's high school for you. So yesterday was really fun. I went over to my friends house and we played Rock Band and Trivial Pursuit (which we sucked at). But yeah it was really nice cause ever since she switched school we don't get to see each other as much. Oh and some of my friends are coming over on Friday which will be really fun! Today was okayish I guess, my sister was being mean as usual. Tomorrow I am planning on starting my essay but.... well we'll see how that goes. It was such a boring book. I only got through like 100 pages and I have to write an essay on the life lessons in the book. Like come one, like anyone actually cared enough to learn anything from that book. Friday my friends are coming over. I am really excited for Saturday though.  My family has this thing where on New Years Eve we order Chinese Food and watch movies all night. I am also going go shopping one day this week to get a new bag cause I actually have money for once.  I'm also planning my sweet 16 party (less than a month away!) it is going be a lot of fun but I have no idea who to invite cause I can only invite 9-10 people.But I'm sure no matter who I invite we will all have an amazing time. Well I have to go I'm going watch this movie about this girl who masks her depression smart alack response but her outlook changes after a disaster. It looked good so we'll see.

Night Guys!

Monday 26 December 2011


Hey guys so I'm really sorry I haven't posted anything lately. I've just been really busy with Christmas & school and stuff. Also, I haven't really been in the mood it write. I was in one of those moods where you just don't want to tell anyone anything you know? So, the last bit of school was good I guess. I just hope that everything truly does happen for a reason. When I think back to school two words come to mind :Work & Drama. Has anyone else noticed that that's all high school it? Also, I have been working on a gift for my friend Taylor. I was going if it to her before she left for Hawaii but i never got to finish it. I won't say what it is though cause she reads this (by the way Taylor, I MISS YOU! please come back ). That's something else that I have been thinking about lately. When Taylor told me that she was going be moving halfway around the world I could never imagine that she would really leave. I mean I knew but I never really accepted it. But now there is only like 2 months until she leaves. I just wish she didn't have to go. But anyway, as I am sure you all know yesterday was Christmas! So I thought I would tell you somethings that I got. so, I got a bunch of candy/Chocolate, a lot of tea <3, pajamas, 2 books, a build a monkey, socks :), 3 sweaters, sweats, some other random stuff, and a '32 plasma tv. Amazing I know. I am so thankful for everything i got this year. Ans i really don't know what I would do without my family <3 But at the same time I don't know what I would do without my friends either!


Saturday 10 December 2011

Is the cold worth it?

Is the cold worth it? The answer. Yes. I am pretty sure that by the end of the winter season I am going to be sick cause everyday I take the bus home I end up spending more and more time outside. On Monday, when i got of the bus I stayed there and talked for 10ish minutes, on Wednesday 15ish minutes, and on Friday around 20minutes. (We wanted to stay longer but we were both freezing and had to walk home. So yeah, I think we either need to go to tims after school or I need to accept the fact that I am going to get sick.
Anyway, today is going be pretty fun. My mom, my sister,and I are going make Christmas cookies. Also, my whole family is going take a Christmas photo in front of our tree to send to our grandparents. After that, I am most likely going to decorate my room and stuff. I am just in such a happy mood. Have you ever just been in such a great mood that nothing in the world can change that? Yeah, that's me right now :)    I also have to start getting Christmas presents for people. I think I am going give them to less people than I originally thought because the other day Miss T was talking about true friends and friends that support each other and what not so it just made me think a lot about my friends and stuff. Anyway, since it is getting really close to Christmas time I thought I would tell you 5 of my favorite Christmas songs. I'm also going put links to videos of the songs if you want to listen to them. :) (note: I will put five in each post till Christmas)

Same Old Christmas- Hilary Duff -

Heard Santa on the Radio- Hilary Duff-

Santa Clause coming to Town- Hilary Duff -

Last Christmas-Hilary Duff:Santa Clause Lane-

Faith Hill Where Are You Christmas-

 Have A great day! 



Wednesday 7 December 2011

Amazing night!

So this post is going be short and swwet cause it is 10:15 and i still have to do all my homework. lol. But, today (well, tonight at least) was amazing! So, at first my day was really bad cause i did bad on a test and stuff but then during my spare my friend came (she goes to a different school) which was really fun. Also, at lunch me and my friends had a snowball fight(more like snow mist fight but whatever). My afternoon was boring as normal. But, after school when i got off the bus I talked to the guy I like for like 15 min. just standing at a bus stop. Then at my dance class not only were we joking around the whole time but when we were doing freestyle the song Sexy and I Know It came on during the line I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it he pointed to his crotch and winked at me i almost died i swear it was so much fun! We also did our 5 five (yes we have our own high 5) like 3 times and even our dance teachers saw it and then my whole class clapped. It was werid but kind of cool at the same time. Well I have to go now cause it is now 10:24... still no homework done.

Night guys <33

Tuesday 6 December 2011

The Truth About Me

Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't written anything in a long time I've just been really busy with school and everything. So since I am very new to blogging I thought I would tell you all a little bit about me. So first of all I hate when people smoke. I know it is their choice and everything but if you smoke I will not want to be your friend. (I know it is harsh but still). I also hate abortions, underage drinking (actually just people getting drunk in general), people who say one thing then do another and then complain when someone does the EXACT same thing, getting bad grades and a bunch of other small things. Now, one thing or rather one person) I very strongly dislike is my sister. While I know many people think it is just because I am mad at her or just going through a hard time in my life where i hate everyone but no. My sister is the one person who embodies everything I hate. She lies constantly, she drinks (she is underage but not for much longer), she smokes, she sells smokes, she keyed someones car, she starved herself for over a year,  she always beats me up (like honestly she has held a knife to my throat multiple times), she (apparently) has had sex multiple times(that is what she told me), and worst of all she had an abortion.  So yeah, I try to hide the way I feel a lot by pretending to be happy but lately it has just been getting really hard which is why i wanted to write that on here. Just to get it all of my chest.

Now, on to the non-depressing stuff.
I love animals, my favorites are dogs and monkey's   
I want to do an exchange program for a year
I want to be either a doctor or a teacher
I want to travel the world
Most of my family is amazing
I really want to go back to Nova Scotia to see my grandparents
I actually like going to school (not the work just hanging out with people)
I think i would die without my ipod. I listen to music all the time and always find music that fits my mood
I  really love Christmas (19ish days!)
I love painting my nails but I never do lol
I love a lot of things though so I am going to stop here for now cause I don't want this to be long :)

Please don't judge me for posting the stuff about my sister. I just needed to get it of my chest. I know that a lot of you may say that either I don't know the whole story and everything but I do. She told me. And said that she does not feel bad about the abortion cause it was the "right thing to do"

Never let people bring you down, because if you do you are the only one who ends up disappointed.

Friday 25 November 2011

People These Days

Hey guys,

So, I just wanted to make a quick blog post (I'm at school write now so it might be really short) anyway, I really don't understand people these days. I know this is kind of a lot like my other post but I am just on a rant. I mean really, if you do something be honest! Lying really gets you nowhere in life and you just end up hurting more people! I beleive that if you are honest, althouth some people may be mad at you they will eventually come around and see that it really is better to tell the truth. I wish more people realized this and that high school would not be the awful drama filled place but its sadly, it is. People are going to lie and cheat and do anything the can just to get what they want. But, sooner or later they are all going to realize that you were right and in a few years they will be working for us. (I know it sound cheesey but its true) It really is better to be truthful and the sooner everyone realizes that the better.

Live your Life to the fullest!

Thursday 24 November 2011


Hey Guys,
So I am starting this blog because one of my best friends in the entire world is moving half way across the world. So basically I am making this so that she can still be in the loop and know whats happening. So yeah, I am going to be posting a fair bit and it is mostly going be about whats happening in my life.

Which bring me to what I am going to talk about today. I do not understand why people do the thing they do. I mean it seems as though nobody thinks through their decisions anymore. Like when my parents tell me about when they grew up sure, it does sound like a lot of them made bad decisions but they all realized that. Now a days it seems like drinking, partying and cheating are just part of everyday life. Whats up with that? I think that people should actually think through what they are doing and not just do whatever the feel like. Actions always can consequences and you have to be willing to pay the price. Well that just one girls opinion.

Allow Follow your heart no matter which direction it takes you!