Saturday 3 March 2012

For Taylor :P

So I decided to write this post because of my wonderful friend Taylor. She recently commented on my last post telling me to her her everything between my and Selano and since I have no where to go tonight I thought why not. I guess I will start from the beginning.  We first met almost three years ago in my 3rd year of hip-hop. At first I never really talked to him because well, I would always talk to my other friends. But then when we were learning out recital dance that year we were put in the same group and so we started talking and we became really good friends. I'm not going to lie. I did like him for a bit that year. I remember seeing him at school some days because his school came to me school for foods class. However, I very quickly got over that and then it was summer. The next year for the first half of the year we were in different classes (he was moved up 1 level, I was moved up 2)  but in December we was moved up to my class. I really don't remember much more than that though. Other than during dress rehearsal for recital. On that day I was there for like 3 hours because both of my classes were rehearsing that day and they were running way behind so since I had not eaten all evening he bought me two chocolate bars. haha I only ate one that day the other I ate before recital that Sunday. Then it was summer once again and I did not see him for two months. Then came this year. He started going to my school this year but since we are in different grades we didn't see each other very much other than on the bus. However, we quickly learned we were in the same hip-hop class and then in October we both joined our school play. Our friendship has grown so much this year. At the beginning of the year he would never were his hat to class, he would always come late, and he would always go last across the floor for warm up. After I asked him to wear his hat to class once he always wears it. After I told him to come to class earlier once he has never been late and ever since my friends and I asked him to do warm up with us he is always at the front. I guess it is hard to explain why you feel a certain way about a person. There are many people who don't think I should like him simply because we are in different grades however, I think that at a certain point age because irreverent. Anyway back to the history lesson. So our friendship continued to grow and although it may sound cheesy I don't think I have ever liked someone more. Whenever I am around him I don't feel like I have to be a certain person or look a certain way. For the first time, I feel like I can be myself.We now talk almost everyday (every week day anyway) and I actually think we enjoys talking to me. Yesterday after we got off the bus (we were really late because there were 2 trains and the roads were a mess) it was snowing and was really cold. His mom was waiting across the street in their car for him so I said that I was going go. But, he told me not to. I told him that his mom was waiting and his response was "so?" So, I stayed for a bit but not to long because I was really cold. One thing that I do find kind of strange is that he didn't tell me what happened on Friday. (If this was a television show this is were there would be a flashback) So at lunch I was hanging out with my friend K before he class when I saw D ( the girl in grade 12 who likes him) and some of my other friends. D looked kind of upset and was saying "oh, I shouldn't have said anything". When I asked her what she was talking about she told me that she told Selano that she liked him and he said he didn't want a relationship right now. I just find it strange that when I asked him how his day was on the bus (I wanted to see if he would tell me or not) he said that it was the "same old same old" and later when e asked if he could text D on my phone and I asked why he said "Just wanted to say Hey yo, Whats up". I guess I just don't get why he wouldn't tell me. We usually tell each other everything. I guess we will see how it goes on Monday during rehearsal. The funny thing is, is that I was actually going to tell him yesterday on the bus ride home that I liked him. M told me not to though because that would really freak him out. So , for now, its back to admiring from a far. I hoped you enjoyed my explanation of everything between us Taylor, I will try my best to keep you updated. It was because of your blog that was going to tell him that I did. Maybe one day I will, but for now I think its best if I let him deal with D.
Have a very good amount of time between now and when I post again.
<3 love you !


  1. awwwwhh<3
    That's so cute!! :D

    and about telling him you like himm;

    I know I made a few posts about stuff like this and living your life to the fullest and stuff and you should! DEFINITELY. you can't sit around and wait so long that eventually it's too late and you live in regret. But you have to find the right time to do stuff like this. And only you really know when the right time is.

    <3 love you.

    miss youu! :D

  2. haha thanks :P I really do think I will but you're right I have to just find the right time to. Miss you too!
