Saturday 18 February 2012

Back to normal?

It weird. Things have never been more different yet it seems like I am finally becoming the person I have missed being. A long time ago (like 3-4 years ago) I also used to write. Like a lot. I would write lists of things I wanted to do when I was older, I would write in a journal, I wrote songs, and most importantly I wrote stories. However, about 2 year ago (at the end of grade 8) I stopped. I don't really know why I stopped I think I just lost interest in it. The reason I am telling you guys about this is because I think not writing has really affected me and who I have been as a person. Writing gave me a way to express how I was feeling without anyone saying anything to me about it. Once I stopped I ended up keeping everything inside and telling letting it out which in turn made me get angry with people for no reason. But this stops now. Yesterday evening I found my most recent writing book and I have already started writing again. I can't remember the last time I have felt this happy. However, mixed in with the happiness is sadness because I really miss my friend Taylor. For anyone who may not know, she moved to Saudi Arabia a little more than a week ago. Taylor, I  hope everything is going well and that you made tons of new friends at your new school.
In other news, on Monday since there is no school I am going to go to the mall with three of my friends. It is going to be me, Rowan, Maddi, and Selano. I think it is safe to say I am more than a little bit excited. We are going to go to build-a-bear but instead of making myself a bear I am going to make my sister a get well soon bear because she is getting her wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday.
Have a great day!  


  1. AWH!
    I love writing :)
    That's good that you got back into it.
    Miss you!

  2. Yeah I'm so glad I did! Miss you to <3
