Friday 25 November 2011

People These Days

Hey guys,

So, I just wanted to make a quick blog post (I'm at school write now so it might be really short) anyway, I really don't understand people these days. I know this is kind of a lot like my other post but I am just on a rant. I mean really, if you do something be honest! Lying really gets you nowhere in life and you just end up hurting more people! I beleive that if you are honest, althouth some people may be mad at you they will eventually come around and see that it really is better to tell the truth. I wish more people realized this and that high school would not be the awful drama filled place but its sadly, it is. People are going to lie and cheat and do anything the can just to get what they want. But, sooner or later they are all going to realize that you were right and in a few years they will be working for us. (I know it sound cheesey but its true) It really is better to be truthful and the sooner everyone realizes that the better.

Live your Life to the fullest!

Thursday 24 November 2011


Hey Guys,
So I am starting this blog because one of my best friends in the entire world is moving half way across the world. So basically I am making this so that she can still be in the loop and know whats happening. So yeah, I am going to be posting a fair bit and it is mostly going be about whats happening in my life.

Which bring me to what I am going to talk about today. I do not understand why people do the thing they do. I mean it seems as though nobody thinks through their decisions anymore. Like when my parents tell me about when they grew up sure, it does sound like a lot of them made bad decisions but they all realized that. Now a days it seems like drinking, partying and cheating are just part of everyday life. Whats up with that? I think that people should actually think through what they are doing and not just do whatever the feel like. Actions always can consequences and you have to be willing to pay the price. Well that just one girls opinion.

Allow Follow your heart no matter which direction it takes you!